Tips for Community Organizations!
Read some advice on how to build your profile and work with student mentors.
In response to our Cities’ existing inequities further exacerbated by the COVID19 pandemic, community organizations across the Twin Cities continue to support K-12 learners with their academic, social, and emotional needs. The University of Minnesota wants to help! UMN students can serve as mentors and tutors to K-12 learners engaged in community programs.
We recognize that a semester-long university schedule does not always align with the schedules of schools and community partners. As such, we commit to asking instructors for flexibility, to allow UMN students to keep the same placement from one semester to another, and to build consistency and community with our partners. In addition, partners are welcome to ask UMN students to extend their volunteer hours beyond the length of the course.
Read some advice on how to build your profile and work with student mentors.
Creating a profile is essential to match you up with the best possible student mentors for your organization.
Ready to find the perfect UMN student mentor for your class? Start searching with the link below!